Courage.  It’s not the absence of fear.  As one of our grandparents said last class,

Courage is doing the right thing…even when you’re scared.

That pretty much sums it up.  You will have a lot of opportunities to have courage on the journey of your life.  It might be a test at karate in front of a testing board.  It might be a test in school.  It might be that you witness someone being bullied, and you’re the one that needs to stand up for someone else.  There will be people around you that tell you that you should be or do something you’re not.  Have courage.  Do the right thing…even when you’re scared.



Last week Professor spoke with the students about the standard we set for promoting to the next belt level.  At Nova Defense Systems Kenpo Karate, we don’t just give belts away.  Each student must earn it.  Sometimes that means two people that start classes at the same time will not advance at the same pace.  Our journey is our own.  That is why one of our 5 priorities is “Quest to be your best.” It’s not “quest to be THE best.” There’s a big difference between the two and why you can be confident in knowing that each belt and stripe you get with us is earned…and deserved.

Click here for the class schedule, or fill out the form below for more information.


Capable is having the ability to perform a task.  Capable also embodies potential.  For example, you are capable of so much more than you are doing.  You have the ability to move up 1-2 belt ranks this year.  Will you realize what you are capable of and actually  achieve it?  You are capable of earning extra money by doing extra chores above and beyond what is required of you, but will you do it?

Most of us are capable of so much more than we settle for.

What will you do today to find out what you are capable of?


Visit our class tonight to start your martial arts journey.  Fill out the form below to get more information.


To “follow through” with a task simply means to see it through to completion.  Last week we set some goals.  Now is the time for the follow through.  Let’s look at those goals and break it down into workable steps to accomplish it.  How do we eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.

What do you need to follow through on?  What were your personal, academic/work, and karate goals?  How can we as your instructors help you reach that?

Ready to follow through on growing yourself in 2017?  Fill out the form below.

Nova Defense Systems Kenpo Karate



Goals are one of our 5 priorities.  So what is a goal?  A goal is a target.  It is something we desire to accomplish.  As we work and study and live our lives, a goal provides a filter through which we can choose our actions.  For example, if my goal is to achieve my 2nd degree black belt by May, when I reach a choice, it will help me make a productive choice.  Should I watch television or should I study my techniques first?  If I want to reach my goal by the set time, it would be more productive to study before I watch tv.

Nova Defense Systems Kenpo Karate


We don’t often give homework at karate other than reviewing techniques.  This week is a little different.  Each student needs to bring their written goals to class tonight.  Three goals.  That’s it.  Here’s the guidelines:

1. One PERSONAL goal.  What is something specific you want to accomplish or achieve in your personal growth this year?

2. One KARATE goal.  What is a specific goal and end date you want to accomplish in karate this year?

3. One SCHOOL/WORK goal.  What is something specific you want to achieve in your school or work this school year?

You don’t necessarily have to share these with everyone, but the instructors would love to see what you come up with so we can support you in achieving your goals.  See you tonight!


Ready to grow?  Here’s our class schedule.  See you soon!


A mentor is someone that has more experience than you in a specific area.  They have chosen to come along side you to teach, guide, encourage, and give feedback.  A mentor can be a teacher, a coach, or just someone more advanced in the skill set you are learning.

Part of being a martial artist is not only learning, but giving back to those that come after you.  We are looking forward to refining the mentoring process at Nova Defense Systems Kenpo Karate.  Stay tuned for details.

To learn more about our instructors, click here.  To ask specific questions, or sign up for classes, fill out the form below.


Teamwork can be simply defined as working with others to accomplish a task.  Some things we do in life need to be worked through on our own, but many tasks can be made easier if we work together. For example, clean up after the Halloween party this weekend was fast and easy because we used teamwork to get it done!  What else in your life works better with teamwork?

Join Our Team!

Ready to join our team?  Click here to see our class schedule or fill out the form below to get more information.



Our Student Creed begins with this statement that includes the word develop:

I intend to develop myself in a positive manner and to avoid anything that would reduce my physical development or mental growth.

The word develop indicates a process that doesn’t happen overnight.  Changes for positive or negative take time and are created in the daily choices we make.  What habits are you developing today?  How can we support you in your developing of a new skill?

Are you ready to make a positive change in your life?  Join us tonight. Get more info below or check out our class schedule here.


The majority of events that happen to us in life are outside of our control.  The only thing we can control is ourselves. I control my response.  Only I control my effort.  I am in charge of my body.  Only I control my attitude.  What I do with those is completely within my control.  What will you choose to do, be, and say today?

If you’re ready to join us, click here to see our class schedule or fill out the form below to get more information.

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It’s back to school time!  As we jump back in to extra activities, our usual routines, homework, and school year commitments, we must be careful to budget our time well.  There are a couple different ways to do that.  First, you must plan.  If you know that you won’t have as much time on Tuesday to work on your project for Wednesday, then be sure to get it done on Monday.  Another tip to budget your time well is to put first things first.  Work is more important than TV time, so get chores and homework done first.  Then reward yourself with some relaxation and fun time! As you grow, the same principles apply to a money budget: plan and prioritize.

Are you ready for some more fun time?  Click here for our class schedule.  Reserve your spot in class by filling out the form below.

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