Character & Reputation

Nova Defense Systems L.L.C.   


Character / Reputation

Your character and reputation are what defines you. These involve your qualities as a person, politeness, or lack of, your sense of gratitude and respect both positive and negative, etc.   This is what others think of you when they think or talk about you; it is what defines you as a person.  Your reputation is a quality that you build or destroy every day by the things you do or don’t do. This is what others define as your traits (kindness, honesty, morals, etc.). These are the observable actions that others see.  Our reputation is subjective, it’s tempting to think that we control our reputations, that we get to define what people think of us and how they respond. And that’s true, but only to a degree. We control one aspect of our reputation, but holistically, reputation is not just who we are or what we do; it’s what people think of who we are and do.  Reputations are qualitative and built on a person’s belief that may or may noy be true.  Every one of us has a reputation. 

Discuss this with your parents or other important people in your life and record your answers 

  • Why is my reputation important in life?



  • Is my reputation completely set or can I affect any changes with it and why would I want to?




  • How can I improve what others think of me and what will affect my character and reputation?   




  • Other thoughts and ideas regarding character development and reputation? 




Student: __________________ Parent or Guardian: ____________________ Date: __________