Leadership is simply the ability to influence someone into action. These actions can be for positive reasons or negative reasons. Our history is full of both! We are asking you to apply the qualities of good leadership for good reasons that include the following character traits: integrity, accountability, empathy, humility, resilience, vision, and positivity. Managing people is not the same as leading people. Managing is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, compared to leadership which is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could. Leadership is about being honest and building genuine relationships with integrity, trust and respect.
The question is just how do I do this in my everyday life?
Discuss this with your parents or other important people in your life and record your
answers below.
How do I show my Leadership in my life? Leadership status is regardless of your
status. You must learn to lead from where you are. After all, to be a good leader you must
first learn how to be a good follower.
How can Leadership help me in my life? Leadership is about learning how to set a positive
example that others will want to follow. You need to learn how to inspire people.
How can I improve my Leadership in my life and why is this important?
Other thoughts and ideas regarding Leadership?
Student: ______ Parent or Guardian: ________ Date: __
Questions? Call 719-275-7249. Or ask during class times, which you can find here.