
Manners is a major aspect of learning and showing respect for one another. Manners, codes of behavior, decorum, and rules of etiquette are present in every culture. This is the quality that demonstrates and shows respect for one another.  Each culture has its own norms that are considered important to them. Manners is how we value each other. This is also important to remember even if you do not agree with them.  In our society, a person’s behavior may be viewed as a reflection of the person’s upbringing. However, as a person grows, he or she begins to take responsibility for their own actions and manners.  If a young person does not practice common courtesies when they are young, it becomes increasingly difficult to change as they grow into adulthood.   The manners you develop as a young person will follow you through life, in school, in sports, at work, with your family. Simply put, it will follow you in every aspect of your life. Learning to show compassion and learning how to accept others who are different is extremely important. Showing manners is demonstrated to them by being polite, opening doors, giving someone a seat when none are available, carrying items for someone and much more. Don’t be rude by talking loudly, being on your cell phone at inappropriate times, or by acting ugly to others. How do you want to be viewed and treated?

Discuss this with your parents or other important people in your life and record your answers 

  • How do I improve my manners to people in my life?



  • How can I demonstrate / express manners to other people in my life? 



  • Why is this important to have manners when others do not?   



  • Other thoughts and ideas regarding manners. 



Student: __________________ Parent or Guardian: ____________________ Date: __________