
Perseverance is one of our greatest attributes. Anyone who has become good at what they do had a strong sense of perseverance: they never gave up. They may have faced overwhelming odds and numerous challenges in their life, but they persevered. In working to a goal, a person may be ridiculed and laughed at. Their own success may have been slow in coming, but that is the essence of perseverance: never quitting. When the going gets difficult, hang in there when others did not. Stay focused on the goal you have set for yourself. A person will go through challenging tasks. As a martial artist, we constantly push ourselves to the limit. We’re constantly discovering what we are capable of. To get good at a skill in school takes time and patience, along with hard work. There are no short cuts; a person must put in the effort. Perseverance requires paying attention to the little things we do daily, positive talk when things get tough, but more importantly never giving up!
Discuss this with your parents or other important people in your life and record your
 Why is Perseverance important in my life?

 How can I persevere more in my life?

 Why is it important to have perseverance in today’s world?

 Other thoughts and ideas regarding manners.

Student: ______ Parent or Guardian: ________ Date: __


Leadership is simply the ability to influence someone into action. These actions can be for positive reasons or negative reasons. Our history is full of both! We are asking you to apply the qualities of good leadership for good reasons that include the following character traits: integrity, accountability, empathy, humility, resilience, vision, and positivity. Managing people is not the same as leading people. Managing is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, compared to leadership which is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could. Leadership is about being honest and building genuine relationships with integrity, trust and respect.
The question is just how do I do this in my everyday life?
Discuss this with your parents or other important people in your life and record your
answers below.
 How do I show my Leadership in my life? Leadership status is regardless of your
status. You must learn to lead from where you are. After all, to be a good leader you must
first learn how to be a good follower.

 How can Leadership help me in my life? Leadership is about learning how to set a positive
example that others will want to follow. You need to learn how to inspire people.

 How can I improve my Leadership in my life and why is this important?

 Other thoughts and ideas regarding Leadership?

Student: ______ Parent or Guardian: ________ Date: __

Questions?  Call 719-275-7249.  Or ask during class times, which you can find here.


Honor is a high degree of respect we show one another in the form of some type of distinction. For example, standing when a judge enters the court room etc. This is generally reserved for situations involving a high regard or respect that is shown in some form of special merit or esteem. This can be a great privilege or doing something for a cause bigger than oneself. A person could also be defending one’s honor against slander or other false accusations. A person may be honor bound under obligation by their job or position where a high degree of personal integrity is needed. For example, a political servant who is serving the people and putting their best vested interest and personal ambitions aside to help the people they serve, even though some get lost in their position of power over others. When others loss their honor it becomes even more important that each of us maintain ours.

Discuss this with your parents or other important people in your life and record your
 How do I improve honor in my life? Can I improve my integrity and honesty to boost my

 What is the best way for me to show honor in my life?

 Why is this important to have honor in today’s world?

 Other thoughts and ideas regarding manners.

Student: ______ Parent or Guardian: ________ Date: __


Form is the appearance you create and that others see when you do something. More specifically as it pertains to martial arts, it is the image you create when you perform a technique or a kata. When you move with a particular form or action those watching should be able to see what you are doing and admire your actions while doing it. It should be aesthetically pleasing, or enjoyable to watch, for your audience. Katas are often called forms. As you perform each kata, it should be graceful and clear in their meaning and actions. People watching you should be able to see the kick or punch and understand what you are doing as you demonstrate for them.

The question is just how do I do this?
Discuss this with your parents or other important people in your life and record your
 How do develop better form in my studies? What if I’m tired or thinking about something else?

 How can my form help me in my martial arts studies and why is it necessary?

 How can I improve my form?

 Other thoughts, ideas and discussion you have with parents or loved ones regarding my
form after all they are the ones watching you as you train and they have good insight.

Student: ______ Parent or Guardian: ________ Date: __


Ethics is how a person’s treatment and grounds of moral obligations to treat oneself and those around them are demonstrated. These are rules (most of which are not written) concerning moral obligations. Ethics affects the rights of others and involves every aspect of our life; social ethics, medical ethics, law enforcement ethics, judicial ethics, educational ethics, and sports ethics are just a few examples where ethics is applied to our own behavior and how we treat others. The behavior may be by the rules or by the law, but it may not always be the ethical thing to do. For example, the law states that a person speeding should be given a ticket if they’re driving over the speed limit. Therefore., if a person was traveling 75 MPH in a 30 MPH zone, he / she should be given a ticket. Not always! The driver of the car may be taking their daughter to the hospital who has been bitten by a rattle snake. In this true story, the officer involved should give other ethical assistance (human compassion). However, others who are witnessing the incident do not know all the facts and may pass judgement as to the ethical behavior of the officer, believing he was giving a friend a break. As a person grows into adulthood, he / she should have their ethics well established. Either a person has ethics or not, by the time they are adults.

Discuss this with your parents or other important people in your life and record your
 How do I improve my ethics in my life?

 What is the best way I can be more ethical in my life?

 Why is this important to be an ethical person in today’s world?

 Other thoughts and ideas regarding manners.

Student: ______ Parent or Guardian: ________ Date: __

Ability to work with others

Your Ability to work with others is an important aspect and quality you need to have and
develop in your life. Regardless of where you go and what you do in life you will more than
likely be working with others. It simply refers to your ability to give equal respect to those around
you and to the chain of command you fall into. By doing so, it fosters an atmosphere of
friendship and improves your relationships with others: this includes others even though they
may be different than you or have different ideas. The strength of you and your group comes
from diversity found within. When you work well with others, people develop better trust and have a sense of ownership.
The question is just how do I do this?

Discuss this with your parents or other important people in your life and record your
 How do develop an ability to work with others in my life? Especially during the times
when it is difficult or when the people are different than myself or when they are

 How can my Ability to work with others help me in my life? a strong, despite the
obstacles or challenges that are present.

 How can I improve my Ability to work with others in my life and why is this important?

 Other thoughts, ideas and discussion you have with parents or loved ones regarding
Ability to work with others?

Student: ______ Parent or Guardian: ________ Date: __

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking is the analysis of available fact, evidence, observations, and arguments necessary to
form a judgement. The process of critical thinking is complex at times, involving several different rationale
for an unbiased analysis of the factual conclusion of the evidence. The process of critical thinking is self-
directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored and most importantly self-corrected as more information
becomes available. The circumstances involved with critical thinking varies from job to job as well as
day to day living. One must remember to be an effective critical thinker is to look at what has been
taught and told to you by people, media, etc. and then analysis of the information being presented. If you are at a point where you feel you should question the information, do so with respect and with facts to back up your argument. It is hard to argue with facts. People may have strong opinions and may not want to listen, or they may attempt to shut you down. Trust the facts. Some examples: a doctor may analyze a patient to determine what course of action is best. A scientist is always compelled to question and double check what they are researching. When dealing with people (social issues) it can be more difficult. You will
encounter prejudice, bias, sexism, racism and much more where strong feeling and beliefs are present.
The first step is to be able to talk about the issues without emotional outbursts. Crawl, walk, run process is
the best approach. Along with patience and understanding. Always be able to discuss issues calmly and

Discuss this with your parents or other important people in your life and record your
 How do I improve my Critical thinking skill in my life?

 What is the best method to question a controversial topic when people are emotional?

 Why is this important to be a critical thinker in today’s world?

 Other thoughts and ideas regarding manners.

Student: ______ Parent or Guardian: ________ Date: __


Honesty is when you speak the truth and act truthfully. 

What is honesty? Many people think honesty means you “don’t tell a lie”– and speaking
the truth is a big part of being honest. But honesty means more than “not lying.” Honesty
means your actions are truthful, too. If you feel as if you have to hide what you are doing
because you are trying to trick someone, you probably aren’t being honest. In simple
words, honesty is about both speaking and acting truthfully. Honesty means you don’t say things about people that aren’t true. You are not being honest if you make up rumors.

Being honest means you admit to your actions, even if know you’ll get in
trouble. You are not being honest if you deny you did something wrong when you really
did it. Honesty means you explain how a situation really happened. You are not being
honest if you say something happened one way when it really happened another way.
Most importantly honest means you are honest with yourself. You might be able to fool
your parents or your teacher and others, but you can never fool the person in the mirror.
Discuss this with your parents or other important people in your life and record your
 Why is it important to be honest in life?

 Is it being honest if I hide my actions from others (maybe I’m embarrassed or I’m afraid
of what someone might say?

 Is it easy to be honest all the time?

 Other thoughts and ideas regarding honesty in life

Student: ______ Parent or Guardian: ________ Date: _______


Self-control is an aspect of your character that only you can control (anger, fear, attitude, gratitude, initiative, etc.). It’s defined as your ability to use restraint over one’s own impulse, emotions, or desires.
Sometimes it may make you feel better if you say something back to someone–even if it is not
appropriate. Self-control may be a simple as biting your tongue. Take a breath before you speak.
Once your words are out of your mouth you cannot take them back and the damage is done. Self-
control is also your control over your impulses (doing something without thinking). As a rule, if
you have to think about doing something (whether it is the right or wrong thing to do) it is
probably the wrong thing to do. This is especially true when other people are trying to get you to
do something like teaming up on someone else, shoplifting, trespassing on someone’s property,
laughing at someone when they are being bullied instead of putting an end to it. Avoid the
temptation to go along.
Self-control is extremely important in achieving your goals in life. Personal goals–such as
exercising, eating, not procrastinating, saving money, and getting good grades–will help you achieve
you dreams regardless of how difficult they may be. Don’t let anger control you. Learn to control
your anger before it controls you.
Discuss this with your parents or other important people in your life and record your
 How do I demonstrate self-control even when it is difficult (I may not like the other
person and he / she may not like me)? The person may be bulling you or is mean.

 How do I develop more self-control in my life?

 How can I improve my self-control and why is this important?

 Other thoughts, ideas and discussions with parents, regarding respect


Student: ______ Parent or Guardian: ________ Date: __


Respect is one of those things that you must be willing to give to someone before you ever
receive it in return. This can be difficult at times–especially when the other person does not show
respect towards you. Respect is not automatically given because of who you are or what you are.
You must earn it. Remember you are defined by what you do: your actions will always speak
louder than your words. This is true even when the other person does not like you, and you don’t
like them. In fact, it becomes even more important in these situations, as well as more difficult.
Another extremely important aspect of respect is self-respect. How can someone respect you if you don’t
respect yourself? Discuss this with your parents or other important people in your life and record your
answers below.
 How do I show respect even when it is difficult (I may not like the other person and he /
she may not like me)?

 How do I gain respect?

 How can I improve myself respect and why is this important? How do I show it?

 Other thoughts, ideas and discussions with parents, regarding respect

Student Name: _______________________ Parent or Guardian: _______________________ Date: _______________